hello The update 7.45 3DXchnage does not import the face bones properly. you can not move anything in the face. The same figure Gnenesis 2 in CC3 it ok. CC3 imports the facial bones correctly. I cant import a Genesis Charcter with 3DXchnage properly...More
I am working with a character exported from DAZ who's exported facial morphs no longer match what I am seeing inside of 3DXchange. In the attached images, you can see the 'Ah' viseme applied to character inside of 3DXchange and MODO respectively. For the latter, you can see the lower lip goes...More
Hello! I have fbx file wirh character. I need to animate it in iclone. I have finished all steps in Characterization Mode with bone structure then i want to make Mapping Facial Bones. With eyes is ok, but jaw bones not. I choose jaw bones for jaw map but jaw bones dont't move the jaw. I cant...More
This works well before but after upgraded to 7.21 the 3DXchange no longer detecting my G3F head only model as G3F character and mapping it's bones, expression, etc. To reproduce this issue: 1. Open DAZ....More
that problem its the CC1 character in character creator 3.0 its compatible with 3dxchange and automatly see all rigs and blendshapes but the cc3 character in character creator 3.0 see that character as a custom character.and it takes one hours to apply all the same shapes and the rig. and...More
Mouth expressions is not mapped correctly when importing DAZ genesis3 characters. I have attached a video which shows the same .fbx character export from DAZ - the one on the left was imported whith 3DExchange 6.53 pipeline , and the one on the right was imported with 7.01. I get the same error...More
I have an avatar for which I've created a custom facial profile in the 3DX7 Expression Editor. I have saved this profile, and now I have a new version of the same character I want to load the facial profile for. But 3DX7 throws an error every time I try this: Rampa and I have been back and...More
It would amazing if 3dxchange and iclone could support the iPhone X ARKit Blendshapes. It is very frustrating to have a model with the 52 ARKit Blendshapes on the one side and on the other to see datas that correspond to those blendshapes in iclone when capturing with an iphoneX and not being...More