When I render it crushes after a few frames, talking to technical support confirms it might be the issue of memory leak or other resource problem that needed to be fixed on your side...More
When you drag an MI folder to the plugin, it by default renders the frames inside the MiResources folder. iClone sets it one directory higher. This is better and neater. I wish that I could set a separate render output folder in iClone, like I can from the plugin. This way, I can export the...More
The range is off by one. Let's say I've rendered frames 1-700 and then I want to render range 701-1400. When I set the timeline range to 701-1400, the plugin offers 700-1399, and I have to fix it....More
This particular run stops over and over. It might do 50 or even a hundred frames and then just ends, with no error reported. Double-clicking resumes. Occasionally it runs better if I restart the computer, but today it once did only about 9 frames and ended. Currently, it's done about 30, but...More
The character renders with perfectly fine shadows on the card, but sometimes not in Iray. I think he may render better when he's not being hit with direct light. I notice he fine in her shade, but the back of his head, which isn't, has an ultra-hard shadow. In other images, note that his...More
The problems I'm having with Iray plugin IC8 is 1st, any video motion I plug into the various channels (Diffuse, Bump, Displacement) to create a water motion or anything of that nature on a regular plane, it's not being shown using Iray after I do the final rendering of the frames. Unlike IC7...More
I downloaded and installed the Iray plugin for iClone 8 which came along with two bonus items called Iray Material 600+ ( Bonus ) and Iray Plugin Resource Pack ( Bonus ),. But after installing the plugin, none of those 600 materials can be found in the content manager, except for a handful...More
1. Export 200 frames. The tenth frame is exported four minutes later. Average 2.5 frames per minute. 2. Note the time it takes to export 100 frames is 46 minutes later, or 2.17 frames per minute. 3. The 200th frame is not done in 92 minutes. It's done in 184 minutes, bring the overall average...More
Likely first of its kind available to artists & venues/theme parks to simulate UV Reactive paintings and graphic designs either from photos of a painting or Graphic Design straight from the Image editor made into a texture that will cause brighter highlights on models/textures that use fluorescents...More