iClone 8
Issue 9188
I need to find out why I'm getting blocky shadows on one particular character
The character renders with perfectly fine shadows on the card, but sometimes not in Iray. I think he may render better when he's not being hit with direct light. I notice he fine in her shade, but the back of his head, which isn't, has an ultra-hard shadow. In other images, note that his head has no gradation, almost as if it's solarized. Nothing else in the scene has hard shadows, and this happened in iClone 7 as well.

Also, the normal problem on her face and neck should be automatically fixed by now. I shouldn't have to worry about close-up producing cracks. If cracks don't show up in a bust, why are they sudden'y showing up in closeups. I don't think this was a thing last year.

Here's where I originally brought it up, using iClone 7
OS: Windows 11
  • Arguement_RGB_00715.jpg
  • Arguement_RGB_00951.jpg
  • Arguement_RGB_01075.jpg
  • Arguement_RGB_01907.jpg
  • Arguement_RGB_02174.jpg
  • Arguement_RGB_02229.jpg
  • Mourning the urn_RGB_00004.jpg
  • At the shield_RGB_00645.png
  • shuttle bay step out_RGB_00203.png
  • shuttle bay step out_RGB_00228.png
  • shuttle bay step out_RGB_00447.png
  • shuttle bay step out_RGB_00727.png
  •  4
  •  271
Submitted byJeffster The Mighty
Jeffster The Mighty
Once again, I was wrong. The problem wasn't in the shader. it popped back. I just re-skinned him. Somehow his texture is corrupted. I put a female texture on him and re-colored the lips and eye shadow and he looks way better for now. The light is hitting him in a whole different way now. I didn't change the lighting at all. I just loaded in a version of him with fresh skin. Check out how much of his head is lit and the smoothness of the shadows in his hand.
  • bedroom argument_RGB_00778.jpg
  • reskinned.jpg
Feedback Tracker Admin
I have got it.Thanks.

Jeffster The Mighty
Private Comment
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi Jeffster The Mighty,

Thank you for telling me.I have transfer to our RD department,and we need time to find out why it happened.Thanks.

Jeffster The Mighty
Private Comment
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi Jeffster The Mighty,

I have got it.Thanks.I will transfer it to RD department.

Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi Jeffster The Mighty,

Can you provide your project file to us?You can use cloud services such as Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive to make the files available to us and put the link in your comment. You can use Private Comment if you want to keep it private.

Jeffster The Mighty
I think I fixed my skin problem with the guy.  Can't use the digital human skin shader with darker blue skin. Changed it to PBR.
  • pbr.jpg
  • Digital human skin.png