Not everyone can afford to pay thousands for motioncapture suits and plugins on top of that however there are many options now available in game engines such as unity and unreal to use the htc vive with trackers as a cheaper mocap solution. It would be nice to be able to use this directly...More
On Iclone 7.41 I am getting the charcater to freeze during recording or playback. My computer is 18 core i9, 128 G Ram 1080 GTX 11G so not a CPU Issue. The Wifi network at home is 200 Mps actual download speed and tried different routers.. any ideas??...More
Hi, Everything was fine with the trial versions of Motion Live plugin and Iphone X Live face setup. I desinstalled the trial versions (Motion Live & Iphone Live plugins), installed the fresh bought ones......More
Live Face Plugin, for Iphone X says "server failed". I am attaching the Iphone X and Desktop to the same Wifi address. Using the same IP address The Iphone X app is working. Detects my face and movement but Iclone does not connect. Any ideas?...More
Everything loads up fine until I try to load the motion live plugin. A black box appears where the motion live panel used to and the application freezes. I have uninstalled everything and re-installed multiple times. I just bought this software so I am not sure what is going wrong....More
I'm trying to export facial animation that I've captured with acculips and faceware, but any changes I've made to the talking style editor don't save out in i-talk file, motion plus file and more importantly in an fbx file that I'm exporting to Unity...More
I have spent the past few hours trying to connect Live Face to Motion Live in IClone 7. I have an iPhone Xs. I have tried both over wifi and a USB connection, making sure I put in the correct IP address in Motion Live. My Live Face app is up-to-date as is iClone7 and Motion Live. I feel like...More
Hi there, i've a problem when I go live from MVN with suite and Manus prime, do you have any suggestions? All the body and hands are fine , there is a problem with a finger, the thumb finger, look like is in reverse mode....More
In German iClone 7.41.2525.1 seems to be a problem with Motionlive and LIVEFACE and Leapmotion when trying to add these gears to a character. After clicking on the plugin name after "Add Gear" nothing happens and the Console Log prints AttributeError Message. Tested this on four different machines...More
I've followed the instructions and tried to connect the Live Face App for iphone x to the motion live plugin but nothing happens. I tried both wifi and usb methods. The app works fine, everything is connected properly but live face does not appear in gear list. Help!...More