Just following the workflow as discribed here i get some unexspected result. iClone Pipeline Tutorial - Applying Motions from iClone to 3DS Max CS Biped Characters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQGYoPC7llo...More
Dear reallusion, Just wondered if there were plans to extend Vive tracking (maybe through ikenima Orion ) into motion live. Hope you can tell me if/when this may happen. Also any plans on iclone connecting with unreal engine via live link?...More
Sometimes for unknown reason props wind up being differently arranged when accessed from an exported FBX. Usually I can fix by setting all props as the sub-prop to one (Attach > pick parent). But sometimes I see when a scene has its own props divided out into sub-props, you have to unsub...More
I exported an iClone CC body obj to 3DCoat to paint (with keep UV) but in 3DCoat anything I painted on the legs would show up on the head. I was using the spline paint tool. So i thought iClone must have some UV issue that wont work for what I'trying to do (just paint anywhere and the paint...More
I am getting an error message when i take a character that i have created in CC3, have then exported it to IC7 and added a motion, and then when i attempt to add the character to blender, both via the CC3 add on and also through file/import route i get the following error message.. Python...More
I have an iclone project ive been working on for some time. suddenly it has started to crash the software on load, with the status bar coming close to 90% before the whole software suddenly shuts down....More
iClone doesnt import the animation of the camera(exported from unreal engine 4.26) But blender reads it. So when i import the same fbx file to blender and export it again to iclone then it reads it Dont know if its an iclone's issue or unreal's but i wanted to let you know :)...More