Ive been Using iClone 7 facia motioncapture with live face and iPhone x i n ue4. 27.2 with The old iclone live Link and The old Metahuman kit. It works with head rotation and every thing.after uppdate to ue 5.03 and new iclone live Link from epic games marketplace and Metahuman uppdate in qixel...More
I have all of the export licenses for hair builder, beard and brows and hair patch. But when I hit the transfer button to move it to UE4 it gives me the FBX warning to purchase the license. How do I get iClone to recognize my Smart Hair?...More
You provided the option to users to force the max texture resolution size for the entire project, how about based on camera proximity and a raycast from camera scan, props can be pre-calculated to reduce resolution? -what isn't seen by the camera and doesn't need to show in reflections is reduced...More
I have recently purchased Iclone with Unreal Live Link, and facing a problem that when I update morphs in Iclone, it doesn't make any changes in Unreal Engine. Please in your next version of IClone and LiveLink also add this feature to animate morph, or just improve IClone's rendering quality...More
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiZLGbh15Ns&feature=emb_title (Please refer to my video where I show what I'm talking about)] When I click to link my character in iClone 7 they get rotated onto their back and I'm not too sure how to fix this on the unreal side. In iClone I can rotate on the...More
1. Load Fully functional iCar Caddy.iproject or any character or prop in iClone 2. Click transfer and then wait, errors and errros will be popping in command line 3. Later i get the above exception as mentioned in summary....More
This may actually be a Live Link issue. When I load in my character into UE4 with Live Link, with hair physics active, the hair falls from the head (its fall is physically accurate, which is nice) and hovers around the character's knees. I understand this is a new bug that arrived with 7.81...More
Hi, I have a question. Why does my character's mouth not open in the Unreal Engine, even though his lips and face move? I've set up the Live unreal link and motion live to transmit movements in Unreal. The funny thing is, the iclone mouth opens and Unreal doesn't....More