In reality we are sensitive, as humans, to the direction and quality of sound. The ability to build a soundscape adds a lot to the dramatic impact of any animation. At present you need to go via 3rd party packages such as Adobe After Effects which not all can afford....More
Ive been Using iClone 7 facia motioncapture with live face and iPhone x i n ue4. 27.2 with The old iclone live Link and The old Metahuman kit. It works with head rotation and every thing.after uppdate to ue 5.03 and new iclone live Link from epic games marketplace and Metahuman uppdate in qixel...More
Dear support team ... it would be great if add Physics Transfer feature to the Live Link to transfer physics attributes of hair and cloth to UE against of using Auto Setup ... its better to us cuz we can compiling the live link to newer versions of UE due to the having full source code :...More
Hi, I have a project with a prop (dress) in Iclone7 and the same dress was animated (simulated) in Marvelous Designer - when I try to import the alembic file from MD ( with prop selected, without prop selected, with import function or python script) -> Iclone7 always crashes - no message,...More
Universal Distributed Render farm Service that can pay users for Rendering Project files Iray, Indigo & others (maybe Alembic as well) 1.The author up loads many small parts of Iray scene file as a zip 2.Once uploaded into a slot, the Author has to pay with DA points first before work slots...More
I want to make a Japanese style animation. 1、I suggest to add the setting of UNLIT. It will bring out the color of the texture without being affected by the light. 2、I suggest adding a setting to the toon shader paint that rounds out the shadows like a soft shadow....More
I have an issue with Motion Plus files imported from Iclone 7 to CC3.4 to export to Unity I have simple repro steps 1-Open your character from CC to Iclone...More
Hi, here this my trouble with import /export fbx from/to 3dsmax. To explain the context of what I'm traying to do : 1. I animate an object in 3dsmax 2021, export in fbx....More