-> I get this error when I try to connect Live Face in Motion Live plugin. I have my labtop with Iclone and motion live 3D and the live link face profile connected to WLAN (IP4 I connect my Iphone XS to same WLAN and start the app "live link face" newest version....More
I've tried this with various frame rates for unreal Project (i.e 30fps or 60fpd) and also viewed my own transfer frame rates to ensure they're at 50PFS or higher. All settings in Unreal are correct for either a 30fps project or 60fps project. Whatever animation I have in iclone always seesm...More
Hi, I have a question. Why does my character's mouth not open in the Unreal Engine, even though his lips and face move? I've set up the Live unreal link and motion live to transmit movements in Unreal. The funny thing is, the iclone mouth opens and Unreal doesn't....More
Hello, it is not possible to package a game including the live link plugin in Unreal Engine 4. Just try to package any project and it won't work. The Problem is, that you include "UnrealEd" as an dependcy and this can not be be build in a Game Module. So somewhere must be a dependency from...More
First upon double clicking a different project file the user will be presented with a new dialogue that allows the user to select which environmental/visual and render settings or models to merge with the current open project. iproject can retain more scene setup information than saving as...More
For some strange reason, when I install the plugin for 4.24 everything works as intended except when I close my project. After it is completely closed I get the crash report window. Everything works fine while in editor, just seems to bring this up each time I close the project. I have a licensed...More
STEPS TO REPRODUCE: - Follow the "Workflow from iClone to Unreal Engine" Unreal Live Link tutorials (https://www.reallusion.com/iclone/live-link/unreal-engine/tutorial.html) to load a non-standard character into iClone and transfer the files to Unreal. - Test 1: From iClone, pilot the camera...More
im having an issue with the reallusion livelink, in some sets the characters LOD seems to be wrong (get close but lod doesnt change) and some sets it seems fine. also if i set the LOD to 0 nothing happens, any ideas? also they look fine in the skeletal mesh. I am using iclone 7.9 with the...More