Please add an option to keep hair (including eyebrows, facial hair, etc) visible while editing Skin and Makeup. I frequently find myself editing skin/makeup and thinking it looks good, only to leave that editor and decide my changes don't look very good with the fully dressed model. I assume...More
Create a new project by adding the default Kevin model, then export to FBX. Under Advanced Settings, choose "Mouth Open as Morph", and export the FBX. (Use whatever other target and options you like.) Normally, when exporting to FBX, the model will have four character meshes: CC_Base_Body...More
On CC (tested on CC31 ,CC32 ,CC40) custom morph sliders randomly raise the following trouble: Any custom slider is affected, two projects created the same day, one does show the below, the other does not using the same slider. (1.ccproject does NOT, 2.ccproject does)...More
Steps to reproduce: (Ensure Character Creator v 4.41, and or Iclone v 8.41 is installed) 1. Select Content > Template > Actor > Character > (Any character with hair)...More
Devs Please Fix this: custom spring joints work awesome in the head area but not in the body unless they are hand & finger joints. The secondary and third set of arms are cloned joint hierarchies of the arm joints and they work as expected. This character is intended for the marketplace as...More
It would be amazing if we can add 3DCoat to the pipeline/workflow plug ins, same as Blender and Zbrush. As someone who always used 3DCoat it is cumbersome to learn ZBrush and pay for that license only to work better with CC4. Many people use and prefer 3DCoat for many reasons, and I dare to...More
Hello, I am running a Threadripper 7950 and rtx4090 new PC with Samsung 980 pro ssd and 64 4200mhz ram yet the viewport in character creator is extremely laggy. Any advice please?...More
I have updated Zbrush and updated CC4. I used goZ to Zbrush with the neutral base character. That worked fine. Then I used goZ to CC4 without adjusting anything and the only options are cloth, accessory, and prop. Please, advise....More
Customer Support advised me to report this here. This is a detailed report concerning Issue 11230 First, customer support thought Issue 11230 could be solved by disabling Mipmapping, but...More