This is a major drawback with mesh sculpting, weight painting and mesh hiding. No brushes work on back faces. This makes an extremely difficult case of working with hair particularly (where a lot of back faces are facing the front), and many other like with weight painting where dense mesh...More
1.collect animation clips with "Add To Library As Motion Plus" from iclone7 2.export this animtion ( '.iMotionPlus') in cc3 with unity3d and 'Motion' only 3. put it in unity, you'll find the fbx include animtion(but I choose and need export animation ONLY )...More
If it's not a huge amount of work, I think this would be very useful for non-3d modellers among your customers. Using simplified 3D modelling tools withing Unity, I spend a lot of time cutting out under layers of cloth meshes to prevent poke through when models are animated in games. Sometimes...More
Have come across that Daz G2F/G2M imports into CC3 via Transformer without texture channel 'Eye Reflection', which is the equivalent of 'Eye Moisture' texture channel for G3F and G8F. Please add this to the custom eye material channels for imports from G2F/G2M....More
The new blendshapes added from ExPlus are fantastic. But sadly there is a major problem when using them when exported to other software such as Blender or Unity. Those blendshapes are not working as they should in an export: A25_Jaw_Open...More
Good day. I am using an excellent program 3D Coat 2021. But when importing models from 3D Coat 2021 to CC3, the smoothing groups are not transferred. It would be very nice if you add program support to your software in the future. Maybe in newer versions of CC4 and iClone 8. Although it would...More
Would like an option to allow multiple clothing stacked on the same layer. While this of course would produce an odd looking character model in CC3/CC4, the idea is to export this to Unity where I can save the individual clothing pieces into resources and then programmatically add/remove them...More
LOW PRIORITY I do not think this causes any problems, but it is unusual to leave developer's names in the released product,. I suspect a similar situation exists for the iClone Iray plug-in....More
The ability to import multiple other characters created within CC3 within a single running instance for posing would be an incredible asset. This feature could be exclusive to the pipeline edition, for those that don't have iclone and may not be entirely interested in live animation but just...More