Hello! I ran in unreal and found strange problems. The character's mouth can move and the head can rotate, but there is no facial expression. The eyes rotate with the head, not according to the real eyes....More
Hello Reallusion Team, Hope you are doing well !! I have few scenarios, where i have some confusion on distribution rights regarding reallusion's property / assets. so thought to ask here in feedback tracker.....so let me start with my workflow:...More
Hello! I'm having a problem with Unreal's packaging project. According to your operation, I copy the files from Auto Setup 1.2 for Unreal 4.26 to project....More
Is there anyway to adjoin to separate obj files once in CC3. I was having issues editing mesh - editing elements on shoes, so I modified the original obj file and exported two separate files (One Left Shoe & One Right Shoe) and imported the two files in CC3. Now when I get to the transfer skin...More
When exporting a character to FBX there are inconsistency between the Body mesh and the beards/brows items from Smart Hair. This occurs either while exporting to Blender or to Unity (I did not try other export method but I think it will be the same) It happens regardless if the Beards/Brows...More
After downloading the latest update of CC3, All our custom hairstyles disappeared. I noticed that the Hair is added to *Users > Public > Public Documents > Reallusion > Shared Custom* instead of the usual...More
Hello, I am working with Unity and I am using your HDRP conversion to upload characters from CC3 to Unity. However, when upload the characters into Unity, there is a vast difference between the poly's in CC3 and in Unity. I converted the character into GameBase and I used InstaLOD to reduce...More
When I use 'polygon reduction-object' ,the model shows some fracture surfaces. Before I did it,I checked origin model ,it is OK, no fracture surface. How can I fix it?...More
Hi, I played around a lot with the IClone->Unreal LiveLink. I use it mainly to bring my characters to the engine. My steps are: CharacterCreator->IClone->UnrealLiveLink. The problem i stumbled over is, that the imported characters have sooo many materials that the Draw calls are insane. My...More