When I export FBX with Unreal preset and choose to merge all materials, CC3 decides to randomly split some UVs into small pieces. This makes it very hard to predict the outcome of the exported texture and makes it nearly impossible to edit the textures after export. Some kind of preview option...More
Even with auto correct eyeblink, the result is not always accurate. especially with the eyelashes Please give us the option to correct manual the blinking and to modify the eyelash during blinking if there is already an option how we can do it , please tell me, cause i dont know that...More
It's cumbersome, to say the least, to work with CC3 and Maya 2022 and the Arnold shader (Renderer). Can you create an auto-setup for Arnold, please?...More
There is a problem when a character is exported as FBX and then imported into Unreal with animations. When I try to retarget the animations from the mannequin character to my character there is always sliding feet or hands (IK) and the issue is probably happening from the wrong size of CC character...More
Hi Devs, this is a real big pain to have to work with, sometimes creators may not know what sliders are default with Character Creator and this creates a BIG problem for creators and customer support when creators find this issue. I don't want to have to redo work if I create content for customers...More
Same as Issue 7878 which has been closed as 'Not Reproducible'. Jaw blendshapes are not working as they should in CC3+ character using the Unity export preset: A25_Jaw_Open...More
ExPlus is almost useless to those of us working in game development if these ARKit blendshapes are stripped out of any character that's been converted to GameBase. I know the lack of polys will make the expressions less subtle but stripping them out completely is a huge mistake. We could really...More
The new blendshapes added from ExPlus are fantastic. But sadly there is a major problem when using them when exported to other software such as Blender or Unity. Those blendshapes are not working as they should in an export: A25_Jaw_Open...More
So technically you can already do this but I think you guys can automate it to make it more efficient and standard I provided the link below of someone already doing the feature think that will up the competitions against metahumans https://youtu.be/XX6pVMVunKs...More