In this project, I discovered that drive mapping is related to rendering. There is no problem locally, so if you use the alphabetic drive mapping provided by Windows (ex c:\ d:\ e:\ z:\), there will be no problem. I found out that it is not possible to randomly designate a mapped drive name...More
In the process of creating and rendering characters, it was confirmed that you can hang the batch render with the iray's render scene button. Set it to the Export settings window with the render scene button and press the render button with preview resolution, The mi files should be extracted...More
Today I loaded CC3 and was having some issues where it couldn't find some textures. so I uninstalled CC3 and reinstalled, now Smart Gallery is totally missing and refuses to reinstall....More
Original avatar is a separate fbx file without LODs. all other LODs are in another fbx file, that FBX file doesn't have an original avatar at LOD0...More
I JUST purchases a Smart Hair preset, but when I try to apply, I get this error, "Failed to apply materials. Materials are not compatible with this object." What does it mean. It's not a meaningful message, which makes it difficult to debug especially for beginners. Click and drag shouldn...More
Today i wanted to update one of my Shoes substances for Appearance Editor. It allready worked backthen. But now i have a Problem. The reimport simply doesn't work sadly. Steps to reproduce the Issue: Just repath the Substance File and press on activte...More
I have just installed CC3.44, this is a completely new install with no other versions previously installed before. I started going through the very first CC tutorial video, I got as far as the video it saying, double click on a project to open it.............I double click on a project and...More
When I opened a .ccProject file, a dialog was displayed saying that 2 of the sliders could not be found (see screenshot). I pressed the Close button and examined the sliders for the character and all of the sliders were present, including the 2 listed in the dialog. So I saved the .ccProject...More