When working with layered elements, it's an issue not being able to select the underlying layers, as the hidden layer will still be selected. Having a "Hide/unhide all" would be great. This is especially a problem when working with hair....More
currently the character from CC3 is around 16k poligons with 32k tris, which while overal still a good number, could be good to add a "more high poly version" for more "ending game pcs and top consoles like xbox one and ps4 and for the income future of ps5 and new xbox, many triple A games...More
- fix for boots transfer weights, ok transfer boots weights for males can be a really trouble, while for females is fine for males is really a annoying task, due to the boots deforms to a size for "female" becoming small than the male character feet", in order to make the shoes work on the...More
This has been said before ( https://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Issue/Separate-Head-Mesh-From-Body-Mesh-on-Export-for-Morph-Blendshape-Efficiency/1/head ), and upvoted multiple times - but there is no news. There is a massive problem that blendshapes is on the whole body - when using...More
hi just hoping that you could implement a more flexible morph import for CC3, that would allow for alien type characters to be imported as morphs, as such that would allow for the bones to accommodate the characters original leg form, for the way it is now the character imports with a heavy...More
When optimizing characters for re-use, having more than 20 layers is essential. When using characters for games, having the possibility to export one character mesh with multiple outfit that can be shown/hidden in prefab-stage is needed to save space and time. When being limited to 20 items...More