Hi, just purchased Character Creator 3 and am finding myself quite frustrated that it doesn't work. I had the trial installed and it ran just fine. I have since uninstalled the trial, and installed the paid version. When I launch, I see the splash image, followed by "Please Wait.." then...More
I was having problems with character creator. I could not save any content. I went realluson forum and followed all the suggestion. Nothing working. The last one was untall character creator 3 and install again. I untalled it and now I cannot find the way to install back because windows closes...More
Issues 1.When weight painting CC3 crashes often usually using the calibration playback pressing stop or when loop isn't used 2. Visual note & Suggestion: Character becomes all black when weight painting and this makes it hard so see smoothness. I hope you will enable normal smooth rendering...More
Morph sliders suddenly disappeared when I was starting a new project in Character Creator 3.3 . In order to solve the problem, I did upgrade to the new version (3.4). How ever, the problem persists. -OS: Windows 10 Pro for Workstation (64 bits) -Processor: i7-6700...More
When using "RL_Standard" as a parent to the material of clothing from the Playset-UN task Force it produces strange see through results. The hair shader also does the same....More
I'm having an issue where my CC3 can save a character file only once. If I create a character and save it, it's ok, but if I close CC3, open the character file, and attempt to save that file, no changes will be made to the file. If I try to force CC3 to write to a new file with "save as.."...More
Hi the Reallusion FeedBack Team, Since july 23, I can't use CC3.3, despite the help of our best man in front line (Sir Rampa) ! After several tests, install / uninstall, updates and so many other manipulations over the past 4 weeks, the conclusions are final:...More