Hi cynsegura, Please let us know if these issues still bothering you! Thanks for your patience. Calvin Reallusion.
l have crazytalk head but it's not suitable for what l want to do. just recently bought facial pipeline character pack which doesn't help either. l want to rig a 3d monkey face. can you help? Rgds Mike
Hi Banjo Mike, If you want to create your own monkey head, you can use GoZ feature, send our character to ZBrush and modify the mesh, then send character back to CC to Auto-rig the bone. Calvin Reallusion.
Hi cynsegura, You can download this zip file. https://drive.google.com/file/d/187R-xHGE3TbuJh-dBocFzkb1iDjci1MB/view Follow the following step : 1. Unzip it, you will get two zip file, one is "Character Creator 3 Registry Remover", one is "Character Creator 3 Pipeline Extension Registry Remover". 2. Unzip "Character Creator 3 Registry Remover.zip" to new folder. 3. Right click on CleanReg.exe and use admin privileges to launch. 4. Click Yes to accept the process. 5. Unzip "Character Creator 3 Pipeline Extension Registry Remover" to another new folder. 6. Right Click on CleanReg.exe and use admin privileges to launch. 7. Click Yes to accept the process. After you finished all the steps, try to re-install Character Creator v3.04 and Character Creator 3 Pipeline Extension v3.04 via installer. Hope this solution is helpful. Calvin Reallusion.
Hi cynsegura, Thanks for your feedback. First, please capture a screen video to show us how you install Character Creator v3.04 and Pipeline Extension, cause we can't identify which steps went wrong, and which AP(CC3 or Pipeline Extension?) had a installing problem in your description. You can put the video to YouTube, and attach the link in your next comment, you can set as private comment if you want. Also, you can download our Reallusion Hub, this program will help you to complete all the Download & Install processes, here is a download page. https://www.reallusion.com/hub/ Second, if you install CC3 via Hub successfully, then please let us know if you can save custom content correctly, if not, we can give you further help to try to fix the problem. Your help is highly appreciated! Calvin Reallusion.
it would be nice if it was easier to find things. where's the program for making a face model? l had it in my basket went to buy it then it disappeared now l can't find it. rgds Banjo
Hi Banjo Mike, Thanks for youe reply! If you want to create your own head, you can try the CrazyTalk 8, here is a main page. https://www.reallusion.com/crazytalk/ ( PS : Currently, the head that you created form CrazyTalk 8 only support CC1 Base. ) Calvin Reallusion.