Character Creator 3
Issue 5807
Major Weight Painting Issues and Suggestions
1.When weight painting CC3 crashes often usually using the calibration playback pressing stop or when loop isn't used

2. Visual note & Suggestion: Character becomes all black when weight painting and this makes it hard so see smoothness. I hope you will enable normal smooth rendering maybe a user selected color picking scenario.

3. Bug: CC3 crashes when launching weight painting if I disable the main character or other clothing even though I have chosen a particular cloth part to paint weights.

4. Bug: Weight painting through entire mesh faces isn't working when projection is on.

5. Bug: Mirroring doesn't seem to work on head, spine etc

6. I like to have an option for selecting with a paint brush rather than only forced to use a marque.

7. Painting weights with CC3 is smooth is extremely slow. I've tried other programs such as Akeytsu and painting/selecting is very fast with the same model.

8. After saving I get the error : "cloth skin data error: Ap will adjust skin weight automatically" what does that mean??! reset all the work I did?
It seems like the weight painting isn't working or like I said previously is being reset but doesn't reflect that it was reset.

I attached the project file but it doesn't seem to be showing that I attached it. I may contact support directly.
OS: Windows 10
  •  6
  •  3131
Submitted byAscensi
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Could you please also add the option to toggle off wireframe for weight painting and sculpting? For sculpting its very hard to see model smoothness when its covered with faces making the model appear cracked.
Feedback Tracker Admin
Issue 1 has released in CC 3.1.

Hi Everyone, is there some news regarding this issue? I have the same Bug as described in Issue 1 (CC3 crashes when playback of calibration ist interrupted by pressing the "stop" button or when calibration reaches it's final frame). Also, I can confirm this both happens on a MSI P65 Creator 8RF-Notebook (Intel Core i7 8750H, Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 MaxQ, 16GB RAM) as well as on a Workstation (AMD Ryzen 2700X and an AMD RX Vega 64,16GB RAM).

Any update on this issue would be great, thank you.


Tim Grathwohl
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi t.grathwohl,

Thanks for your reply!
The crash issue about skin weights feature already fixed in next version.
Please wait for upcoming release!
Thanks for your patience!

Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi, Ascensi,

After we checked your feedback, still need further information to identify the defect.
1. According to your bug 3 & 4, can you capture a screen video to show us how you reproduce the bug?
You can put your video on the YouTube, and add the link in your next comment, also you can set comment as private comment if you want.
2. According to bug 7, please describe your skin weight settings, did you turn on projection or Mirror X?

Your help is highly appreciated!

I've contacted support with the file name & notification that I've sent the project file to your ftp since the zip was larger than the feedback tracker allows.
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