Import the character for Daz G8 Into CharacterCreator3.4 by Transformer(Both CC3+ and CC3 have been tried), Character's Eyelash cannot followower Eyelip well when Eyes Close. "Correct Eyeblink" connot fix this isuss....More
I have gone over all documentation multiple times and I've been using CC3 faithfully for the last couple of years. Since the last couple of CC3 updates, retargeting any Epic skeleton animation to an imported CC3 skeleton is off on the hands/arms area. This has also been tested against other...More
1. Open CC3.4x 2. Add non-Prime Hair piece such as "Bun.ccHair" 3. Rename "Underwear Bottoms" to "UnderwearBottoms" or "Underwear_bottoms" to satisfy export requirements....More
Hi there, I've just installed CC3 and Smart Gallery, but when I load hair onto the default avatar, it looks pink? No matter what hair I choose. Loading the hair onto the default avatar is the first thing I do when I open CC3, I don't try anything else. I've already tried uninstalling and reinstalling...More
Morph sliders suddenly disappeared when I was starting a new project in Character Creator 3.3 . In order to solve the problem, I did upgrade to the new version (3.4). How ever, the problem persists. -OS: Windows 10 Pro for Workstation (64 bits) -Processor: i7-6700...More
When using "RL_Standard" as a parent to the material of clothing from the Playset-UN task Force it produces strange see through results. The hair shader also does the same....More
When AutoSetupForUnity runs, it replaces the first line of scripting defines in the Unity player settings, instead of appending new defines. Of course this causes all kinds of compilation errors and other disasters as it deletes essential defines used by other assets and scripts. Please do...More
Hello there, I'm having some problems with a coat that is also placed over the wrist. i attached a image. left is CC3 (where it looks like it needs to be) on the right is the export with the unity template (only happend with the unity template). both parts from the coat on the wrist are rotated...More