Please allow the option to use the RL Head pack (the 100 realistic faces) on a CC3 base character. It says it's currently not supported, but I would like to be able to utilize the realistic heads I paid for, with the new upgrade instead of being stuck using a CC1 character. EDIT: Although...More
Hello RL, this is not specifically a problem of CC3 but rather a problem of the pipeline CC3 to iClone. When a CC3 character is reduced in poli-count (CC3 Pipeline new feature) and exported in FBX format, 3DX is not able to read and recognize it is a human character: it is requested to manually...More
It is a known issue with soft shadow, spot lights and spot shadows, where beam falling under blunt angle creates striped artifacts (there is an FT entry for iClone for this matter). But having this on a default project does not look good at all (see the screenshot) Please change spot light...More
I think it would be great to have a "Create Camera" function the same as what exists in iClone. a) It allows you have multiple cameras that belong only to a specific project b) It is functionality iClone users are likely to look for when they want to save a camera view in CC3... I know I did...More
1. Converting character with thin shoulders deforming a mesh underarms in the front (slide 1). I was able to rectify that by smoothing faces/sculpting (slide2). Would be nice to have it automatically done. Side Note: I cannot figure out how to enable a mirror selection in Edit Mesh mode. Is...More
In the pictures below, you can see that the most obvious difference between the original character and the remeshed character is the hair. It looks very different. That is because the remeshed character has no Opacity map for the hair. When you do the remesh, the Opacity map needs to be...More
On the Cloth Layer settings when you go to drag layers to sort orders, there is no way to expand that window horizontally (you can vertically) and this is a real issue when your layers have longer names that can be listed (I could only sort layers by trial and error since even the yellow layer...More
Remesher doesn't work, plain and simple -- it should be gotten rid of (it won't work on any skirts/dresses/longcoats). What we need is a simple way to create a low-poly avatar, one that gets rid of whatever it is that bloats the "normal" avatar (a Daz FBX character with full clothing clocks...More
About half the time Daz clothing comes in needing two sided materials (just due to the way devs construct clothing). Sometimes it's obvious (and I'll put a link to one where it is) but other times you don't notice it unless you look closely at the underside of a collar, or the cuff on a long...More