Hello, Are you at any point going to ever take the suggestion of monthly subscriptions? It would be nice if it could be the price of what it costs for the product -- any product you have but particularly the Character Creator and the iClone and any other item useful for 3D compositing. My...More
It would be nice to have "render to texture", "render baking", "cycles texture baking". This would help a lot in game development because you don't need to run shadow or material render in the game itself. Many other 3d software have this feature. 3ds-max:...More
CC is great but would be great to be able to import this style character and morph between these and regular CC Chars. Also this style of clothing....More
I started with the overweight character then the CC3_Base Male and then tried various morphs. In my particular character I had to make him super large so I set full body scale to 450. There is a size difference already seen on the left foot... When I try to make both feet resized larger it...More
It would be nice add options on the skinning/mesh, depening on the use of a CC1/3 M/F character, instead of having to add it as a separate piece of clothing....More
Of course, the conversion works well via LOD. Even the smaller avatars can be used in Iclone for mass sceneries. Conversion of the fbx with 3dx7 and conversion to non-standard also works without problems. In order for CC3 avatars to automatically assign the bones as a non-standard species...More
Requesting Cookie and Candy/Gumdrop base series of characters to be available for CC3 transformer. https://www.daz3d.com/gumdrops-candy-the-base https://www.daz3d.com/llfcookie...More
Try to export head from CrazyTalk to Character Creator, it keeps giving error about having to have CC version 1.3 or above, I have 3.02. Alternatively, tried to export as RLHead and import in CC 3.02 and get error about please use CC1 Baseline character, I tried to do that but the CC1 baseline...More
It would be very useful for game developing to be able to export expressions such as Smile, Fear and so on into FBX format as additional blendshapes....More