Every single time when I export my cc3 character in Unreal using the Auto setup tool and choosing the HQ shadier, my character still don't look as good like it is in Character creator. I followed this link with documentation to see will it help but nope it is still the same. https://manual...More
"Please read the "HowTo.txt" in the .zip before updating." First of all there is no "HowTo.txt" file to read in the zip. "The hotfix install flow should be:...More
Hello, Before the update we could export the Hair FBX into blender and adjust the weight maps using blenders editor and they would come back over when importing back into CC3. After the update, this is no longer possible. The weight maps changes back over to default after importing back...More
I have reproduced this 3 times. When Smart Gallery is installed, CC3 starts up, loads splash screen, loads default project, then freezes with a transparent screen of white over the application's main window. Twice I let CC3 with Smart Gallery installed 'load for almost 2 hours, thinking that...More
programı açıyorum ama ekran görüntüsündeki şeyi diyor ve sonra ok a bastığım zaman bi dosya kaydediyor belgelere sonra bişeyler yükleniyoor sonra kapanıyor cancel diyincede loading default project de kalıyor ve açılmıyor...More
I believe this could be a known issue of the nvidia 3090 not working with IRAY. Please let me know how to fix this issue. I am using latest nvidia studio drivers....More
Cannot export a character as an fbx from character creator 3. I have imported multiple objs as accessories, some of which I've transferred skin weights (tight clothing, shoes etc), others which I have kept as accesories (props, helmet etc), the latter of which I have changed the joint to attach...More