391 issues found


Not Reproducible
Steps: export any character - even the default one (FBX clothed character) with InstaLOD "remesher" or "Merge Materials" option checked, I get an error - "process polygon reduction failed, please try again". Exporting the same character without the above options checked works fine (no error...More
  •  10
  •  3612
Submitted by jehad_101778


Not a Bug
Using the default settings for UE4 mesh exports I'm getting incorrect results. Character mesh does not line up with skeleton. The process was working fine until I tried using the InstaLOD for the first time. Default pose applied to character upon export.
Using the trial version....More
  •  1
  •  925
Submitted by micahpharoh


Not a Bug
Hello, I have a problem of importing the Genesis 3 figures in CC3. The pupil appears separated from the cornea, and that takes away the character's realism. I have many Genesis 3 figures that I bought for my project and I would like to use them in Iclone. But I need to solve this problem first...More
  •  1
  •  866
Submitted by Veneris


Not a Bug
I have the trial pipeline. It said I get 10 exports but now I can't save or export. It says this function is not available under the trial. It was a few days ago and the 30 days has not even close to expired. What gives?...More
  •  3
  •  1701
Submitted by slade636


The Character creation tool icon is giant in the toolbar, rarely used by myself, and knocks important debug information off the toolbar to the right and puts that into a drop down. Since your tool is accessible elsewhere please don't do this....More
  •  0
  •  808
Submitted by james.scarafone


Not Reproducible
Hi there, i am trying to export my character creator as fbx, with embedded textures and also without embedded texture to marvelous designer, but whenever i did import as fbx in MD, the material look scary, i don't know what i am doing wrong please help, i even tried with obj file it same....More
  •  0
  •  1340
Submitted by maigadjafar


Hi Reallusion,
We REALLY need a way to RENAME a mesh in character creator, not just the object name.
This is especially important as the fbx exporter takes the "mesh name" to transfer the character into unity....More
  •  7
  •  2440
Submitted by e1_scheer


Not Reproducible
al querer llevar mi personaje al z brush me aparece un error y se me cierra el programa...More
  •  2
  •  865
Submitted by gomezpablo0597


I open the program. everything loads as expected.
I then click "Headshot" this loads as expected.
I then click on the icon to load a photo, so far so good....More
  •  5
  •  1668
Submitted by toluabisola


The render pipeline for Unity has changed. The class referenced in the DLL ( UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.HDEditorUtils) is no longer valid and throws an exception when you attempt to import the character following the steps outlined the reallusion documentation. The export...More
  •  1
  •  1183
Submitted by chris_466129
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