Please don't get me wrong. CC3 works great! however, everytime I open it for the first time in X day, the following message always shows up: "Building morph slider cache for faster import. Please wait awhile for this one-time operation." If it's showing up every day the first time I open it...More
I have Character Creator 3.21 Pipeline. I have created a character with clothing which has largely been created from imported 3rd party clothes. There are 12 layers in total. When I attempt to export to Unity (2048 max texture, no embedded textures, default or no pose data) the process hangs...More
Hi, Ive been having this problem a lot recently. when I GOZ from Zbrush to CC3 my characters Arms cross?? any ideas why?
Not sure if this pre-existed in 3.2x or not as I haven't done much in the way of CC3 morphs until recently. However this new problem exists not only with importing avatar obj's exported from CC3 and altered in Zbrush, and imported to create morph sliders. It also happens with avatars exported...More
hi i have been trying to export a hi res mesh from cc3, of about 50k - 100k poly, without any success, just wondering if you had any suggestions thanks, i have tried instalod and fbx but everytime it just exports at the base mesh level of 16k ?...More
This is most easily seen with muscular characters. I'm using the CC3 athletic male, exported to Unity using your auto setup plugin. (The export is not the problem, as this problem also occurs with the character Reallusion offers on Unity's Asset store. It's less noticeable with that character...More
Attached some images to show my problem. Used the default girl to be certain that I've not introduced anything of my own. Exported with Unreal tool preset + Custom animations (4 simple poses) + Universal T-pose Editing activated (but the problem occurs with it disable too) The Skeletal Mesh...More