361 issues found


With the ability to export the PSR (position scale rotation)of a body from CA4 to AE4 It will give us the ability to create dynamics in after effects as wells parent things like particular effects other effects to different body parts. Even if we were able to export each part of the body separately...More
  •  1
  •  1641
Submitted by megaoutput


Adobe Character Creator allows you to have hair physics that can be effected by wind and gravity. It would be awesome if we could have something like this for Cartoon Animator too. Maybe clothes and hair physics would be able to work the same way if it used a similar system like Adobe Character...More
  •  4
  •  1618
Submitted by megaoutput


Is it possible to loop a 2D motion that is applied to a character?
After applying the 3D motion eg. walk. And I drag the motion to loop it. It will repeat but it jumps back to the starting position. I can not see an option to align the hips to the end of the previous cycle like we can with...More
  •  1
  •  2465
Submitted by Hayzie


If you apply a 3D motion to a character and it, for example, walks forward toward the camera in CA4.
Export the project with the CA4 to AE plugin and import it into After Effects...
The Z motion of the character is not applied, the character would just walk across the scene....More
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  •  2535
Submitted by Hayzie


I'd like to suggest adding the ability to reverse a motion clip in CTA4.4.
So if a character does a dance motion for instance you can copy that same dance motion just past it, choose reverse and the character does all the dance moves in reverse....More
  •  3
  •  2469
Submitted by Jsted


In CTA4.4 you can "Lock to Hip" and choose "Camera Tracking" to follow the character while you preview an .rlmotion. I want to suggest that Reallusion give users the option to export those camera moves when you choose Apply to Timeline.
And/or add a camera option to follow a character in the...More
  •  0
  •  2441
Submitted by Jsted


Hi Soya
Did you read my last issue raised (Issue 7487), you just sent me a link to the same page that I am already aware of.
As I have already said, it takes me to a searchable online manual. I cannot see the contents, i.e. there is no index that I can see....More
  •  2
  •  2571
Submitted by JoeM007


Not a Bug
In response to the reallusion replyn re above issue, I am already doing exactly as was suggested. But as I have already said, it takes me to a searchable online manual. I cannot see the contents, i.e. there is no index that I can see.
I am new to CA4 and wanted to browse through a manual....More
  •  1
  •  1343
Submitted by JoeM007


Not Reproducible
The softare crashes a bit too often for my liking. Especially when there is no auto save and therefore all the work is lost.
As a new user I am still finding my feet and trying different things, but nothing especially taxing I would have thought. It is difficult to say how often but more than...More
  •  10
  •  3715
Submitted by JoeM007


Not a Bug
When I click on "help" from CA4 software it takes me to a screen online which offers a search for what's new in the version... after selecting CA4 V4.3 it displays all the new items and at the very end on page two there is a link for the CA4 manual. When you click on this, it takes you back...More
  •  1
  •  2595
Submitted by JoeM007
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