Trimble has made a change to 3DWarehouse, such that only Sketchup models in versions 2017, 2018, and 2019 can be downloaded. None of these versions are supported by 3DXchange; the latest supported version is Sketchup 2015. It would be great if 3DXchange were to be updated so that the latest...More
3dwarehouse in iclone 3d change 7 dose not show earlier dates of 3d items to be download than 2016. my version of 3d change 7 let me download only earlier items then 2015 so 3dwarehouse is not useable for me . What can be done to fix the problem. Thanks, Zeev Offir....More
Having just purchased 3D Xchange 7, I was expecting to see a better appearance for the layout. The previous version it is EXCEEDINGLY HARD TO SEE THE CONTROL PANEL - WHY could this not be fixed? I can barely READ the menus, & so why is there is NO option to make the text/fields bigger? This...More
Hi i having some issue with 3DXchange and iclone , i don't know why , when i apply the character to iclone in 3dxchange, all the accessories and props are merged with the body in only one mesh and i am unable to make subprop. My Character is from Character creator and i brought it in maya to...More
I need to export and import model in cc3(3.4 version) and this is why.(For u3d) when i export model with 'mouth open as morph'(its been 'game base'),the rootbone name is 'root'. but when i export animation only from iclone7 by 3dxchange,the rootbone name changes into 'CC_Base_BoneRoot'...More
Hi, I have an issue with 3d exchange, when I try to open it,s flying to screen corner and closing without any message or error code. please, someone, help me thanks....More
I can't open the software. It only flashes as it was opening but nothing. I uninstalled and reinstalled and nothing. Any idea what is the problem? I really appreciate it. I have DirectX 12 installed, GeForce GTX, Intel CORE i7 Gen and 16 RAM...More
I uploaded the obj file into 3dxchange, And after cliecked select all to go to “open” and import a texture, It ran very smooth. I saved it into an fbx file and tried importing It to mixamo. Then it started glitching COMPLETELY! In mixamo the whole face is glitching every time it moves. Did...More