Patching out functions takes away Future possibilities
This applies to all Reallusion products
Extremely useful features for developers have been removed and likely others so I'm requesting a solution that limits Reallusion support to experimental features so they don't need to worry about needing to provide support the features. Here are a couple powerful ones Reallusion has removed:
#1. Human shader was removed disallowing ordinary meshes & cloth not to use it (paint bucket tool no longer pastes the shader to ordinary meshes) If I want to convert a CC3+ character to cloth externally and import it, I can no longer do this which destroys my ability to make very powerful characters.
#2. Physics For characters
**Solution** Please have a dev mode/beta switch that allows for features you're not to sure how it works so that others can discover and make proof of concept. Reallusion can't always perceive the mind of what and how every creator can use their product, therefore it's in the best interest of Reallusion and the developer that there be an "Experimental developer mode."