Genitalia for characters should be good as well, because on my busness i use taht to survive. And I have right to get this too. Freedom; we are not living in dictator ship era. I would like this software to be more heterogeneous, that there are tools to meet the needs. because it would be the...More
Hi I would like to add skin fold to my models to make more realistic. I hope see skin fold/wrinkle morph during motion live I mean, if for example a 3d model set pose in t, wrinkle/skin fold dosent show up, if is other pose appears wrinkle or skin fold in her/his body. It should be perfect...More
When the previous undo is not finished, if you operate the next undo with Ctrl + z, the software freezes in an hourglass state and the software is forcibly terminated. Repeating heavy undo processing increases the probability of forced termination in the same way. Please modify the program...More
Using iPhone Live Face Profile for Motion Live, left and right eyebrows do not move up/down independently. They move up together and move down together within iClone, even though the face mesh displayed in the iPhone app correctly shows one eyebrow high and the other low. I've seen comments...More
I'm using a 27" 4K monitor. The scaling has always been an issue where's its massive compared to every other window and application I am using, but today it's just become absurd. I wonder if there's ever been any testing involved with iClone before release? The scale of the UI should be inline...More
hi, I have checked all the audio option in iclone as well as in system, but the timeline audio is mute ,when click on acculips tab it work there, would someone please , sort out this issue for. thanks...More
I highly recommend you get in touch & partner with Kronos guys, they have a free version of their studio that can make concepting with foley effects, cinematic audio presentation fast & accurate. They also have a paid plugin called reformer pro that allows users to talk as creature voices which...More