I have a good suggestion, maybe characters could have colliders too, like say so instead of objects falling through them it bounces off them instead, I noticed since I noticed before cloth falls right through a character when I create a blanket...More
I recently upgraded to version 8.2 a couple days ago and now all my new content is gone that I purchased. All I see is a hand full of some old stuff that I purchased years ago. I was redoing some scenes in a movie I had made and I needed an animation from the Hand to Hand combat animations...More
I have tried to download several content packs or items for trial and they will not download in Iclone 8. I can still download in Iclone 7 with no issues. In version 8 the the status circle just revolves around and around with nothing downloading. I left the program run all last night to see...More
Intermittent error on boot. The last thing I did was export some frames to Iray. I tried to initiate a new project. iClone locked up at 75% of converting data. Closed in task manager. Now, until I reboot the system, it thinks that there are two apps using the content manager. This error message...More
Likely first of its kind available to artists & venues/theme parks to simulate UV Reactive paintings and graphic designs either from photos of a painting or Graphic Design straight from the Image editor made into a texture that will cause brighter highlights on models/textures that use fluorescents...More
I´ve read the manual at https://manual.reallusion.com/content-manager/2.0/04-downloading-contents/downloading-purchased-contents.htm, I´ve bought licenses, but I get only the message in the attachment. What can I do? Thanks!...More
Solve the problemThe program stops suddenly when I start downloading any character (fbx, obj) of the sudden stop of the program Actor AccuRig core...More
It would be beneficial to have an instancing feature like how the .itrees and .igrass does. So for example when we make duplicate props it reference the main mesh instead to save on triangles. For example this scene all the trees and foliage is only around 5k of triangles. So I think (I could...More