The majority of characters in iclone and CC4 require "smoothing" to turned on for purchased content to look acceptable (especially older store content such as the toon characters) Currently iClone exports alembics as triangles (although the alembic SDK is able to support Quads and SDS). Applying...More
Giraffe product, in the Content Store. At first, the product went black when playing back performance motions. After re-installing the product again...More
After baking lookat target characters eyes are shaking Export motion plus to libary or export as fbx and import to ue5*r06gz5*_ga*ODY4NDE5ODQ2LjE2Mzc1ODQzNTE.*_ga_Q3FS71VPKC*MTY1NDg0Mjk3Ni4xNDYuMS4xNjU0ODQyOTk4LjM4...More
Maybe its a bit of a streach but since Vroid is getting more and more popular, it would be cool to be able to import VRM files, instead of having to export them to FBX in blender, I think it would save a lot of time since you wouldn't need to re do a lot of things in character creator...More
Please make a fresnel material shader if possible. Cause we can use it as an outline in a 2d look too. Its very important to apply outlines to specific materials and not to all of them as we can now with the toon shader options. Also would be awesome a toon shader as a material, that you can...More
More the character is taller, less the motion director is working. I tried to change the body scale at "1000", and the character don't move at all. It's not nice for Godzilla or KingKong!...More
Good evening friends, I wanted to see if you guys would consider looking into Mocopi motion tracking system. I believe it would help many upcoming animators to get into mocap if there was a live link with iClone 8 software....More
This feels like a no-brainer to work fast, selecting a bone while in Edit Motionlayer mode make curve editor follow selection to jump between curves fast. Selecting a bone now, then manually finding it within the small searchwindow in Curve editor is un-intuitive and slow....More
Dear Team Reallusion, The Pose Manager was a high utility Python Plugin in iClone 7 but it has not been not updated for iClone 8. It simplified animation in a single UI. Is there a way to achieve a similar functionality within iClone 8. If yes then please show. If not then please incorporate...More