After having a breakthrough with visual effects I realized that Reallusion could expand on this allowing people to make and sell their own projections animated and stills already set up in the point lights. This is my example Many things could be created and...More
It's odd that in the timeline there is a setting for materials but you can't edit its UVs.. and there is no option to animate the transform. I don't understand why this wouldn't of been included? It's pretty normal to animate the sun going down and this could be as simple as adjusting the...More
whenever my pc plays a clip in timeline either by adding a motion clip, using motion puppet , playing back clip, or using popcorn editor (SIMULATE) my computer freezes every few seconds. I even upgraded to a new computer only to find the problem still exists with this one too. It only happens...More
This is only a problem when importing an FBX which has 2 or more objects. At this point iClone is asking if you want to separate them. Once imported, sub-props loose the ability to rotate beyond 360 degrees (we had that problem once with import through 3DX, which was fixed)....More
Hi, i have tried animating with the attached beard, it failed to move correctly with face key. Face puppet was animating correctly. It was skin weighted to the upper and root jaw. btw the search of "jaw" in skin weights in cc3 failed to get the result "upper jaw"....More
I really would like to be able to see the relevant graph lines in Curve Editor synchronized with the selected body part in Edit Motion Layer and visa versa. In that way I can immidiately see the effects of what I am doing in Edit Motion Layer in the Curve Editor and visa versa. A huge winner...More
I edit the mocap animation and export it to fbx, it drawn differently from the animation shown in iclone. When I use unreal live link, it looks fine, but fbx export causes the animation to shift slightly. This problem usually occurs badly in the neck or arms. It occurs in both Unreal or Cinema4d...More
I like that iclone uses physx, Oh a choice between CPU and GPU option would be nice , please add . but i would love to see rag doll physics for characters . So characters interact with each other eg fists , legs , heads collide with others . I am sure this can be done as shapes for collision...More
Hi, I am an animator and I would really like to have an option for animation a character in 24 fps. 60 FPS is reallly nice option and it makes animation real smooth but having 24 FPS can be so handy who comes from other 3d animation applications like me....More