I have an iclone project ive been working on for some time. suddenly it has started to crash the software on load, with the status bar coming close to 90% before the whole software suddenly shuts down....More
It seems Daz Characters are not rendered correctly with some of the particle effects in IClone. Both Dust storms and fog make the character's hair transparent. I don't have this issue with CC characters, but basically just Daz characters who have been imported through 3dXChange and into IClone...More
When an rlMotion is imported with "Animation -> Motion Setting Options -> Reset Motion Root" enabled, the imported animation is slightly offset on the Y-axis. To reproduce: 1. Enable Animation -> Motion Setting Options -> Reset Motion Root 2. Load a character and create a simple motion clip...More
Please help me out.... I tried reinstalling realtime faceware. exe through reallusion hub..... But same "start error" occurs.... I used for only 1 day and I have remaining 30 days Error: - RealtimeForiclone.exe: Start Error...More
Dear Friends I have been doing some proyects whth the Unreal Live Link Plug-in for iClone, in UE4.22 and I´m very happy!!! but Is imposible to me to use the Deep of field in versions UE4.23 and UE4.24 is that something usual?? or is something about the configuration of my Iclone plugin for...More
This is frustrating. I didn't want to and really didn't know if I could afford to pay hundreds of dollars just to be able to capture live animation on my computer just for a face. But I couldn't even get Rokoko to install. So now, I might have to pay twice as much money for Faceware -- all...More
Hello, it is not possible to package a game including the live link plugin in Unreal Engine 4. Just try to package any project and it won't work. The Problem is, that you include "UnrealEd" as an dependcy and this can not be be build in a Game Module. So somewhere must be a dependency from...More
Hi, When doing my latest plug-in I would have loved to access attached objects (children of a parent object) - but this was not possible. The only related function available at the moment is SetParent....More
Reallusion, you probably get a lot of people complaining that their project no longer opens and they ask you if you can fix it, likely because they overloaded the scene beyond their computer's memory. *If the scene was overloaded perhaps an option with the "failed to load" message gave them...More