None of the Particles contained in the WWll pack can be loaded into iClone 7.2 - a "Failed to Load File" error is returned. Edit: Comments made regarding Special Effects Vol.2 - Natural Phenomenon removed. These effects do work....More
There is something has changed in opacity maps processing which now has a negative impact on rendering. I have seen other users complain about different aspects related to opacity maps, but I will give you couple of examples of my discovery (Everyone feel free to comment with your own discovery...More
This is my second attempt to get this solved. Last time I did not save my project file. This time I did. Here is the problem: The DOF mask seems to be broken. There is no seamless transition between the "in focus" and "out of focus" parts. In the "out of focus" parts of the picture there seemed...More
Problem: I have a project consisting almost 3 million polygons and set up a complex scene for rendering with displacement textures and upon export to Indigo project files it would crash half way with only 432 frames. I was told by support that what ever the quality I wanted to out put to that...More
If you have an object which the opacity slider is not set to 100% opaque you can NOT use it as an emissive object for GI. You can demonstrate this to yourself by turning off IBL and all lights in a scene, turning on GI, and putting a cube on top of a plane. Set the material on the cube self...More
Right now resulting DOF in a rendered image is affected by the size of the viewport in the workspace of the application... Can we make it that the Depth of Field blur is applied to the actual resolution of the full rendered image, and not just carried over from the blurred areas of the Viewport...More
When Alpha Threshold is enabled & set at 0, along with Refraction being enabled, GI seems completely disabled on Final Render output. I may have missed it somewhere in the manual that they are not compatible and if so I think it would be a good idea to either grey out Refraction when Alpha...More
Hi.. I needed to setup a war scene, So I used image planes with pop video. 1. I exported one of the warrior character with pop video format. 2. Then used it as an image plane in iclone project so the project won't be heavy.... (Dragged and drop the pop video file into iclone while holding...More
I noticed a problem when an object is about to leave or enter the camera range (see the gif attached). The problem happens here near the floor, the ambient occlusion is noticeably going on/off and it's doing the same thing for each step of the stair if the camera keeps going up. I also attached...More