Before the update in late January 2019, I was able to adjust the hue and saturation of my IBL. Now the IBL color adjuster does not work unless I toggle the sRBG on and off. Even when I toggle the sRBG on and off, it still does not work as good as it used to. I hope this gets fixed real soon...More
They have already put in the "Issue 5319 png export is not working properly alpha export ... " and " Issue 5239 Export PNG image with transparent background is broken ... ", I wanted to add that TGA does not work transparency either. Waiting for the final update of the year, to create the...More
- It Would be nice to see wich state a prop on material have.... P = PBR or T = traditionell - EXTREM SPEEDUP .....make all values scrollable by left mousebutton like many other Softwarepacks have like photoshop (fontsize) and so - REAL WORLD SCALE is a must have to work exactly!!!!...More
AO, Metal, Roughness, Displacement etc are using RGB when instead they should be using Grayscale mode. The material slots designated for non color maps could be made to auto convert to grayscale to reduce file size, vram and performance overall. This would include making sure the physics textures...More
We contribute ideas/innovation, often giving Reallusion the fixes without compensation or reward for hours or weeks of hard work testing, researching etc. This is the least Reallusion can offer existing customers. Why this matters, how will it benefit Reallusion? *attract more loyal customers...More
My vision is not very good, and to be able to see a camera during design would save me having to attach the camera to a box like I do now I can see it. With a dark scene and a dark camera, visible doesn't matter unless you are very near the camera. Cameras are hidden during animation, but...More