Hello Tech, and Happy New Year! 🎉🎊🎆🎇🎈😁 I want to be able to make my own custom body cars using this particular system (i.e., https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/61e29a0a6be803f72f2303161abacc54/Car-Turntable-4800mm-Diameter-Paver-Riser-option ), for my upcoming movie creations (Nostalgic...More
When editing the collision shapes of an avatar in iClone, it can be a bit tedious to have to perform each edit twice (once for each side of the character). It would be nice to have a "Mirror Collision Shape" button to allow us to automatically duplicate & mirror collisions shapes (similar to...More
Hello, Issue 5910 was marked as Solved (although it didn't solve it for me) so I can't add a comment there... I have tried the suggested Workaround but it doesn't solve the issue....More
Hello, I've just purchased this pirate ship prop (https://marketplace.reallusion.com/skull-cove-island-pirate-ship) and I'm trying to add some wind to its flags....More
I spent all day trying to get a simple spring physics to work in 7.3, but it just wouldn't work. I rolled back to iClone 6 and it works great! I tried a few different setups, but here's one that I duplicated which would not work in 7.3: https://youtu.be/_tahADirLKw...More
So I was working on my 1st project and it crashed on me. I reopened it and a message popped up "you have an unsaved project." I clicked that and restored my project. Then I closed it because I wanted to start on a 2nd project. I closed the 2nd project without saving because I don't want it...More
AO, Metal, Roughness, Displacement etc are using RGB when instead they should be using Grayscale mode. The material slots designated for non color maps could be made to auto convert to grayscale to reduce file size, vram and performance overall. This would include making sure the physics textures...More
Hi Guys, I am wondering about a couple of issues. How to setup a self replicating loop on the time line. Without having to use your loop tool, which works, but is a pain....More
You provided the option to users to force the max texture resolution size for the entire project, how about based on camera proximity and a raycast from camera scan, props can be pre-calculated to reduce resolution? -what isn't seen by the camera and doesn't need to show in reflections is reduced...More
Hi Devs, I'd like to suggest something that will help automate the workflow for both film makers and game developers. When planning a scene currently I have to put audio elements on many tracks in DAWs and try to match things up. Game devs also have the challenge of finding all their assets...More