I exported my animation from UE4 and imported it to iClone 3DXchange 7 and it seems fine. I converted it to a non-standard character and it plays back correctly in the viewport. When I send it to iClone 7 the animation rotation is wrong. The hands should be pointing down the Y-Axis but the...More
Hi I've mention this in Webinars but I thought I'd bring this up again with new wave driver -Ocean Audio! (through sound frequency triggers) I think the more noise an audio signal has the more noise could be generated for the white water and this would likely be a trigger from the upper frequency...More
This is only a problem when importing an FBX which has 2 or more objects. At this point iClone is asking if you want to separate them. Once imported, sub-props loose the ability to rotate beyond 360 degrees (we had that problem once with import through 3DX, which was fixed)....More
Blocking out an animation the middlepose in a walk cycle is often an inverted version of the 1'st keyframe. Being able to copy and use an "Invert pose" from the current right-click mouse menu could speed up the process....More
It might be useful that iClone Pipeline have a bridge to allow any scene loaded in Cartoon animator show in iClone's scene view with access to edit the 2D animation and be timeline. It would have the option to show in the background or as an overlay over the iclone stage so that the 2D parallax...More
Found an interesting bug. I know the Persona move command is not really used anymore, but a few users still use it. There is a bug that showed up several versions ago, I think. When an avatar is given a move command and then walks to and along a path, there is some unusual snapping to the...More
Hi, i have tried animating with the attached beard, it failed to move correctly with face key. Face puppet was animating correctly. It was skin weighted to the upper and root jaw. btw the search of "jaw" in skin weights in cc3 failed to get the result "upper jaw"....More
I'm requesting you to create a new tutorial for creating a city scene and a run chasing scene between 2 persons in iclone. I have tried a lot creating this but the environment, the location is not at all suitable... I hope you could create a youtube video for this and teach me or if any video...More
How do I keep adding cameras so that I could get the final output in shots? What happened to me is like I went on adding a camera->selected my first frame and the last frame of my shot..its done with perfection. But when I want my 2nd camera to start newly it messes up with the first camera...More