Please, create some kind of change. I find the mouth and lip combinations are off in several places, I can give you one correction so far - saying the word "Works" for example, I mostly corrected the W. As I've explained in the past on the feedback tracker, You seem to have an extra Viseme...More
Hello, i saw this on twitter Please pay attention only to the first minutes where the guy is using blender....More
After selecting the materials for the teeth, tongue, and eyes for merging(merging materials will not change the model) The morph slider at the corresponding position will be lost This issue did not occur in the previous version...More
Hi all, It occurred to me while working with HeadShot v2 that one or several sliders that may be useful is to add a slider to adjust the shape of the head (skull)/face seen from above. Some people have egg shape, narrow up front and wide in back, while others are long and narrow front to...More
I am up to date with the latest version of all Reallusion products. I've been having issues with morph sliders not showing up. Uninstalling and re-installing do not seem to help. The asset folders point to the same place but I get nothing. Template>Reallusion Templates> Is there a fix for...More
I'm finding that the Body mesh of a model is clipping through the Scalp mesh when using Blendshapes in Unity. To set this up, I've simply created a new CC4 project, and dropped the default Kevin character into it, and exported the FBX for Unity. I then use Unity AutoSetup to finish bringing...More
Hello, how to export character models in fbx format in the latest CC that conform to the arkit standard naming convention? ARkit :
The issue #9373 still present in version 4.23. I've always the problem after update to latest version.
I think I've come across a bug, for the fbx morphs imports, they import just fine but the face wont change when I ajust each slider for each morph, it worked just fine for me before in previous versions of character creator 4, not sure if anyone else is gaving this issue, I goodoed it everywhere...More