1.I exported a facial expression profile of my CC3+ character so I could reapply it after adding tail bones in an external application 2. After adding bones, I imported into CC4 and only 3 compatible Characterization profiles were available. 3. My Visemes were still available but all the other...More
I've included a picture to best illustrates my concern I purchased this set and when I try to use the mustache beard and eyebrow pack there's a big Character Creator watermark when I try to use this asset please advise the author not to sell files like this on the market place because it is...More
Hello, on WIN7 using "Reduce Idle Load" produces window smearing like shown in the image attached. This goes away only when clicking one ore more times on the CCC4 background. Wonder if this could be fixed with a different driver setting ? My system requires 417.71 for certain reasons. This...More
When a .FBX working HIK humanoid with working facial bones is Characterized , the facial bones no longer work. Also, the Facial Profile Editor, does not work on character....More
Proportion/ Move and Rotate cannot be edited within numerical boxes in CC4. They can be edited on the boned model with the Gizmo but not in the numerical boxes....More
I posted two pictures of a custom character uploaded in CC4 and 3dXChange. Why expressions editor works in 3dXChange and not in CC4!!! Yes, you will say, use a blender!!!! But why!!! I bought a CC4!!!!...More
I notice I can make 3d from a frontal picture. This is super. However, how about those of us who wants to be accurate. Can Headshot allow for more accuracy by aligning front picture with left/right picture and 45 degree picture? This feature would allow for less adjustment and manual fixing...More
I've been trying to make muscular characters in CC. But for some reason, the upper arm, particularly the bicep, is twisted. Instead of the bicep flexing at the top of the arm, it flexes in the middle. The more muscular the character, the worse it looks!...More