This is actually a bug report and a request. Bug: If you currently attempt to paint-bucket a skin DHS to cloth with SSS shader, the DHS parameters would disappear from the materials panel and the only way to get them back, is to restart CC (I have not tested that in iClone, but I suspect...More
The automatic mapping to the epic skeleton with the Unreal Target Tool Preset setting in the FBX export of CC4 and IClone only works with the ActorBuild Template. But it does not work with the LOD Templates or if we remove bones with the custom setting. This is very unexpected because the...More
Currently, if you import a prop (Create -> Prop) from an FBX file, CC4 will bring in the BaseColor and Normal maps if they are present in the corresponding .fbm directory. However, other common textures, such as Metallic and Roughness, are not imported. It seems it should be fairly simple...More
Hello, I have been keeping an eye on iClone products for a while. And while I am really interested in your products, here is what's stopping me from switching over to Reallusion....More
Hey, so i tried to export my character and it failed over and over again. So i started to delete some cloth. I figured out it was a specfic cloth that forced the fail on my newest scene. However on the other scene it worked fine with the same cloth. So i tried to figure out what the difference...More
The Modify->"Merge Material(UV)" option is great and works really well for a lot of things. I use it to merge all of my cloth material together before export. I'm not an expert but the results have been much better than all my attempts to do something similar with external software. The...More
I have a problem when I m trying to export my character into Zbrush with GoZ. I am getting error from attached img. It only happens with my character, default characters are exported without any problems but my keeps getting error. Also that was a character I originally started in Zbrush and...More
After using "Update Textures from Substance Painter" to import textures, select the model and go to Modify => Materials. Select one of the materials that was imported, and select the Bump map texture under Texture Settings. Notice that the "Strength" slider will be greyed out, and it can't...More
If you try to close CC4 while there are unsaved changes in your project, you'll encounter the following dialog: The current project will be discarded. Would you like to save? Cancel &Yes &No If you choose "Yes", then instead of saving the current project, it will open the Save...More
When exporting an FBX for Unity where "Export Mesh and Motion Individually" is chosen, the animations in the _Motion.fbx file won't contain any blend shapes. This is easy to reproduce on a stock character. Here are the steps: - New CC4 project, add the CC4 Kevin to scene....More