Hi, I am using a recent build of Windows 11 and whenever I open Character Creator 3, my Windows crashes during the splash screen of CC3. During Windows crash, I get an error code of VIDEO_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT_INTERNAL. I have tried installed reinstalling latest NVIDIA and Intel drivers but problem...More
Original Question I was following the RealIlusions tutorial on exporting CC3 Character to Blender and rigging it with auto rig pro. But you can rig the character because the character's feet don't import on the ground plane the bone does with the character above it. Auto rig pro only works...More
Hello is there a way to add physics to a cc3 plus character's glutes just wanting to know I can't find weight map option for characters other wise I'd try that also is there a way to add weight maps to a cc3 character...More
From CC3 sent to iclone to 3dxchange , exported the eyeblink morph to fix When i reimported to 3dxchange and into iclone it works fine. but when i send the character to CC3 the eyeblink morph changes back to the original (before it fixed). Its like its not been saved and doesnt transfer to...More
Hi, I'm trying to download items using smart gallery in character creator 3. The problem is that anytime I click on an item, it looks as if it download it, but at the end I get the following message: "Failed to download content. Please check your internet connection, or contact the author...More
I’ve reinstalled five times cc3 either hangs on load or freezes loading a project at 0 percent. Nothing is working where can I download an older working version?...More
Even with auto correct eyeblink, the result is not always accurate. especially with the eyelashes Please give us the option to correct manual the blinking and to modify the eyelash during blinking if there is already an option how we can do it , please tell me, cause i dont know that...More
Hello! I ran in unreal and found strange problems. The character's mouth can move and the head can rotate, but there is no facial expression. The eyes rotate with the head, not according to the real eyes....More