The pack Elven Lord Outfit contains many items not possible to apply to a CC3+ / Material+ character. The pack contains a default tunic which is compatible, saving other material textures and manual applying these to the default may be a workaround until all content has been updated....More
I reloaded a project I was working on yesterday and the Jacket and Trousers are completely 'broken' (geometry is all over the place). Looks to me like the vertex order has changed and the morphs and skin weights are now incorrect. These Cloth items are ones I customised from my library and...More
Dear friends, I bought Summer Dresses for Ivonne, Rompers for Ivonne, Shorts & Shirts for Robert items. But unfortunately I can not use any of of them When I try to use them they show as if they are a trial version....More
Hello, using upper-body assets of the Essential Clothing pack such as a T-shirt or Coat causes problems with the file after it is saved and re-accessed. Steps to recreate (happens every single time for me) 1. Create a CC3+ character (or use the avatar for quick)...More
Hello, I'm a fairly new user to Character Creator, so apologies if there is an obvious answer, but my smart gallery has failed to appear after I've reinstalled Character Creator. I decided to install CC on my desktop (Win10) and installed the updated version 3.3 instead of the 3.0 which I...More
It hasn't happened to me but I'm curious just in case. I've imported tons of assets into my custom library so I'm curious as to how the files save. So to make this short, 1 - Do your custom files remain on your account via cloud? 2 - Would I have to re-import all these files one by one, or...More
I spent hours trying to resolve the watermark issues, firewall, countless reinstalls etc ….and nothing... this should not be that hard to purchase and activate content???!!! Thank You...More
hi , just wondered now with the new human texture editor whats going to happen with the updating of the appearance editor so we can use substance materials, for this is the reason i bought cc3 in the first place, with out the appearance editor and use of substance, it's not much good, plus...More
Essential Clothing is not importing is not in my assets at all. I get a instruction " "Content 1-Click Verification" from the Help menu." In the help menu there is NO button Content 1-Click Verification"... So I did Activate Purchased items instead. Same result Nothing in my assets!...More