I haven't seen an easy way to create morphs other than importing them into 3DXchange from exported Zbrush obj files. I think this method would make creating morphs for animation and for baking or a breeze. In Zbrush users could create layers, name them to identify the morph that could be automatically...More
Hi Devs, this is a real big pain to have to work with, sometimes creators may not know what sliders are default with Character Creator and this creates a BIG problem for creators and customer support when creators find this issue. I don't want to have to redo work if I create content for customers...More
Steps to reproduce: Any avatar is good for the test. I reproduced the issue after I reset the avatar to Neutral base. - open Modify -> Morphs tab...More
I have attached a Morph Target OBJ and key zip file created from a real body scan so you can recreate the issue. Our pipeline worked fine with the previous CC3.3+ nude base female. When creating a morph slider using the NEW CC3.4 base nude female it appears that the SW is not properly scaling...More
Using CC with Headshot and SmartGallery plugins. Also have iClone. Downloaded updates through the Reallusion Hub. First tried to open and modify hair on existing project files - characters that had been created with the headshot plugin. New hair shows in "Contents." Was initially able to...More
Greetings. When creating CC3+ morphs slider from FBX file I got an issue - CC3.32 incorrectly recognize positions of ToeBase and other Toe bones ("reset" them to the default Neutral base position) and also deform toes shape (to fit this bones positions). To fix this issue I have to use two...More
I propose a collection of base clothing templates with UVs. Each template should have preset morphs for lengthening, loosening, different wrinkle looks and styles. (Example) Workflow 1. (Collection menu) Add COLLAR SHIRT template to character,...More
It seems simple but I just want to be able check the height of a character I am creating. I am making like 10 characters and I would love to to able to check the height o know wich is taller or charter. Just have like ruler on the side so we can check the overal height and the height of the...More