When creating CC3+ morphs slider from FBX file I got an issue - CC3.32 incorrectly recognize positions of ToeBase and other Toe bones ("reset" them to the default Neutral base position) and also deform toes shape (to fit this bones positions).
To fix this issue I have to use two iterations for morph creating: 1. Load FBX file; 2. Export OBJ file (to preserve original shape); 3. Create morph slider from FBX; 4. Load CC3+ base and apply morphs slider (model will have toes issues); 5. In Bone editor manually set ToeBase and other toes bones positions as in FBX file; 6. Create morph slider using OBJ file from step 2 (Source setting - "Default Morph"). As a rule after these steps created morphs slider will exactly fit to FBX file.
Should remark that I did not find such issue with other skeleton bones. If You wish I can post You my FBX file which produce this issue.
Hi Vit,
that would be great if you can provide .FBX file.
you can upload to cloud drive and share link in private comment.
and also if you can record your workflow too.
it would help RL staff to identify the issue
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