Hey guys Just purchased the next tier up after getting a previous version refunded, now I am content. I have attacked RLDownloaderMgr.log and RLLauncher.log as well as a screen shot of the error Thank you...More
My only 3D software is Poser. The characters I only use are all Poser native figures as Ichiro, LaRoo, Roxie and Ryan. This figures are not compatible with Victoria and Michael 4 which are just the only two Poser figures supported by CC3. Thus the software and gaming laptop purchased to run...More
Hi There, I just bought the CC Essential Skin and Morph Pack, Started a New project and chose the Athletic male as the avatar.Under Modify window, went to appearance Tab and tried to Click on Activate Appearance Editor, but it is greyed out and I can open it. Been searching the web, your...More
hi just a simple request, could we please get an easier more fluid way of importing clothing into CC3 like importing straight files without the need of generating a keyfile and be able to align items in the bone hierarchy so as to fit them if the miss align thanks...More
The exported CC3.02 character feets are misplaced, after import to UE 4.20.3. Example: See attached image TaskForce_C General: To setup CC3 imports in UE, basically set retargeting options inside the Skeleton Tree for the following bones, per...More
Add multiple texture possibilities for clothes, without having to add it as a new item. As it is, making minor adjustments after adding clothes to the library takes a while with manual updates for each variation. Making it possible to add/safe different diffuse/normal/metallic maps, or even...More
I'm trying to access the Iray online manual. I select Plugin > Iray Render > Online Manual. The browser opens, but the link is not found. The link is: https://www.reallusion.com/iclone/tutorial.htmlhttp://manual.reallusion.com/Iray_Render_Plug_in/ENU/1/default.htm ....More
I downloaded the Crazytalk animator app and opened the app without any problems. however, after the application is opened, when I select any character and bring it to the screen, it either turns black or some of it is missing. when I add a picture, it turns black in that picture. i am using...More