Currently, lips are part of the total CC3 Face material. Requesting a separate Lips Material to be considered for the CC3 Base for the following reasons: 1) Will allow users to accent gloss/roughness on Lips irrespective of gloss/roughness on face...More
The host program shows the correct result in the view port with the opacity map. I've detected the problem by making the scatter map a png with an alpha channel. I erased a UV area/mesh part in the scatter map that contains the gums side of the teeth model and it changes the model part that...More
HI CC3 needs a rigging system, coz, it can't up hold daz' rigs as they are to complicated for it, and if you change the shoulders or or lower leg bones in cc3 the models becomes severely distorted. which is why it needs it's OWN RIGGING SYSTEM ONE THAT CAN COMPETE IN COMPLEXITY TO DAZ!...More
It would be great to have the whole object affected with soft selection, and not just the mesh elements. It is a pain to edit hair with just element based soft selection....More
For character Creator to become more or less complete this would allow rapid change and complexity. 1. The creator would likely have to choose a preset for performance limiting constrains (how many parts can be used) This could include a new format: Non Human V2 which could be used with mocap...More
As Daz operates with a lot of different maps and textures, it would be nice to add those to CC3 without having to import a new character each time. The problem now, is that the texture is automatically mapped to the CC3 UV-set (which is awesome), but it would be nice to have a "skin mapping...More
I severely messed up my tongue on a model months ago, and after contacting support there's absolutely no way to fix it without going in and messing with the mesh myself. I had been editing the facial vertexes and while selecting them to be moved, I didn't realize it was also selecting the tongue...More
Hello, Are you at any point going to ever take the suggestion of monthly subscriptions? It would be nice if it could be the price of what it costs for the product -- any product you have but particularly the Character Creator and the iClone and any other item useful for 3D compositing. My...More
If all the polygroups became stretched and and even more concerning; corrupted, does this sound like a reasonable instant fix? If you've been using polygroup UVs and you have a finished sculpt use the character as a morph on a new CC3 Character to get fresh non corrupted & uniform UVs....More