I started with the overweight character then the CC3_Base Male and then tried various morphs. In my particular character I had to make him super large so I set full body scale to 450. There is a size difference already seen on the left foot... When I try to make both feet resized larger it...More
Hi i have tried posing the eyes in CC3, but there is not an apparent way to do this, when the eyes are selected the are no transform tools operational to move / pose the eyes? why is that?...More
Hi Devs, even though I like the direction of the SkinGen Premium but overall I'm not happy with my purchase.. it could be way better than it is using displacement. I know from experience in order to create the bumpy look with normal maps that you need to have a hi & low poly version of the...More
Headshot is great, and the "Image Matching Tool" is very useful. SUGGESTION/REQUEST: Please add support to use a PROFILE (SIDE) IMAGE for additional *manual* refinement....More
I have been using Character creator 3 pipeline it seems like a fantastic option from editing to integration however I have had many problems in relation to the structure of the skeleton game base in relation to the hands...More
Hi Reallusion, We REALLY need a way to RENAME a mesh in character creator, not just the object name. This is especially important as the fbx exporter takes the "mesh name" to transfer the character into unity....More
I'm running into a bit of a problem when exporting a cc character to unity. I'm exporting an fbx file with two LOD levels, but when I go into the settings window, the open mouth option is greyed out. While this is totally acceptible for the two created LOD levels, I would like to have the...More
I've currently begun to work with Unity 2019, and found out that there isn't a slot for roughness anymore. Instead, you use a smoothness map (inverted roughness) in the alpha channel of the metallic or albeido map. Having an option to automatically do this at export would be great, as it...More
It would be very useful for game developing to be able to export expressions such as Smile, Fear and so on into FBX format as additional blendshapes....More
It would be useful to export selected objects instead of all. Currently developing a clothing system for games, all objects are exported and then need to be separated one at a time in other software. Since some clothing doesn't require a skeleton, an option to export with or without the skeleton...More