Character Creator 3
Not Reproducible
Issue 6674
Eyes and Morphs error on importing to Unreal
Attached some images to show my problem. Used the default girl to be certain that I've not introduced anything of my own.

Exported with Unreal tool preset + Custom animations (4 simple poses) + Universal T-pose Editing activated (but the problem occurs with it disable too)

The Skeletal Mesh is fine on the Mesh window inside Unreal, but on the animation preview for each animation the eyes are out of place, as well as the teeth. Apparently the base_facialbone has some weird offset (place it on the head position corrects the problem of the jaw and teeth, but the eyes are not an issue when I import in blender).

Importing the file in Blender shows the same problem.
UE4 version: 4.24.2 proper version of CC Setup installed.
OS: Windows 10
  • default_girl.jpg
  • Ok_pose.jpg
  • blender_check.jpg
  • blender-corrected.jpg
  •  5
  •  2648
Submitted byartDS
I have been experiencing this myself, but just while using CC3 and Unreal.

I transferred same motions from CC3 3.22 to Unreal 4.24.3, while using 2 characters loaded in CC3 at the time export:
(1) CC3 Default
(2) CC3 Headshot 

I am finding that I will experiencing the above issue if I transfer animations out with opposing character.
If I export out while CC3-Default is the loaded in CC3, it looks fine on CC3-Default mesh in Unreal...but then when applied to the Headshot mesh in Unreal, eyes and teeth are out of place.
Likewise, if I transfer out while Headshot is loaded in CC3, it looks fine on the Headshot mesh in Unreal...but then when applied to the CC3-Default mesh in Unreal, eyes and teeth are out of place.

Now, I can apply motions universally to iClone on both characters, and there are no issues with teeth or eyes in iClone.

 So, it appears it is on the Unreal end of things - somewhere in the export-import process, the (a) teeth and (b) eye bones are permanently matched to the exported character's eye and teeth location.  Like it is 'baked' to the exported mesh size.  So, then when the motion is applied to another sized mesh in Unreal, the eyes and teeth are out of place.  You would never notice this if the avatars so happen to have identical-positioned and identical-shaped heads.  But if they are different, then it will present.

Additionally, in my case, the difference of the eyes and teeth issue exactly correlated to the difference in the meshes:
My Headshot has a more raised and back head, so on the CC3-Default in UE4, the eyes and teeth from a Headshot exported animations has higher eyes (teeth are probably further behind face).
Likewise, my CC3-Default correspondingly has a more lowered and forward head, so on the Headshot in UE4, the eyes and teeth from a CC3-Default exported animation has lower eyes and protruding teeth.

Basically, team needs to fix so skeleton location of eyes and teeth is not 'baked' into an animation.  Then you could apply an animation to any character once in UE4.  Otherwise, you would need to export out with that said character so that the eyes and teeth are located properly in UE4.



我将相同的动作从CC3 3.22转移到了Unreal 4.24.3,同时在导出时使用了CC3中加载的2个字符:






Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi TonyDPrime,

Thanks for your reply.
Could you capture a screen video to show us your import settings, and how you reproduce this issue?
You can upload video to YouTube and attach the link in your next comment.
Thanks for your help and patience!

Still having the issue. It appears on Blender when importing a file exported to Unreal.

And when happens too when I try to use the same skeleton for multiple exported characters in Unreal (so they can share the same animations)
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi gus.santos,

Thanks for your reply.
Could you capture a screen video to show us your import settings, and how you reproduce this issue?
You can upload video to YouTube and attach the link in your next comment.
Thanks for your help and patience!

Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi gus.santos,

Does this issue still exist?
If so, feel free to let us know!
Thanks for your help!

Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi gus.santos,

Thanks for your feedback!
I'd tried the issue that you mentioned, but I got a correct result, please reference to attached image.
Could you send your custom animation to us, also capture the screenshot to show us your export fbx settings in CC?
You can set your comment as private if you want!

And please make sure your import settings is same as the Help Manual.
Thanks for your help.

  • FT6674.jpg
Tested in 3.22 too, same problem...