Where do we edit the defaults for Lips Editor for Lip Sync ? I'm simply trying to improve the lip syncing to the audio i've imported but there are so many missing options. I've tried to match them all, where I have sprites for every one of those lips Editor, but nothing works. Why are so many...More
Hello, I have using CTA5 version 5.02 can launching psd/bitmap for morph head. Unfortunately when I update it to the lates version 5.32 it's not supported. So i would like to request for fix it. Thanks...More
A few more updates in the evolution in CTA5 vector animation and we'll have a software people will flock to for animation. Here are a few things that would make CTA even more powerful for animation. 1. VERTICES ANIMATION: The ability to take a vertice of any vector object and animate that...More
After updating Cartoon Animator to version 5.3, I encountered a persistent issue where all my SVG files, both old and new, fail to import correctly. Instead of importing as a character with recognizable bones, they are reduced to a static image labeled 'Root.' This issue did not exist before...More
i wanna make g3 rigs in flash because im so used to drawing in it and i barely know how to use photoshop and i dont know how to use illustrator at all....More
so every svg character i try to load from my custom folder after the 5.3 update crashes the program, im using CTA5 they use to work fine before i updated, it doesn't matter if it's just a head or a full body actor, it just wont load my svg that were saved before the 5.3 update, i made a new...More
Not everyone can afford the subscription to Adobe Illustrator. I understand there are problems using other products like CorelDraw and Affinity Designer but it really limits what you can achieve with Cartoon Animator 5 ....More
1. Updated Cartoon Animator 5 to the new version 5.3.3226.1. 2. When importing SVG from CorelDRAW, the character file is obtained in one layer. 3. Reinstalled the old 5.0 version - the SVG file is imported as expected - in layers. After upgrading to the new version of Cartoon Animator 5...More
I noticed this before and found a workaround by going to composer mode, sprite editor, load to Photoshop and save again... Though as I work a lot with image sequences now, this is SO annoying, and no way to do this for hundreds of images ;-( Please check this!...More