When I went to go upload my custom character from Actorcore to blender, once I put my animation on my custom model he was sliding around everywhere, and his arms were inside his chest, I used AccuRIG to Rig Him, also he looked perfectly fine in the Actorcore Model/Animation Viewer but once...More
Suddenly Accurig started giving me this white box issue. I reinstalled it and updated my GPU drivers but nothing helped. Steps to reproduce -> Install and open Accurig Result - A white box appears that doesn't go away and won't let you use the application...More
Hello) I have some problem, just installed AccuRIg and trying to use it. But no one file does not imports. And samples too. If i drag and drop files there is Popup with loading 3% and it looks like a freezing. U can't cancel it, just end task through Task manager. If i try to use button "Choose...More
I would like to suggest that accurig has a face rigging option. It would drastically help in people's workflow and I would be the only free auto rigger that this would beavailable....More
Would be nice to be able to rig creatures such as quadrupeds or spiders. Perhaps a new version when your talented engineers can make it happen. I own horses and have always looked for the ability to use the tool to quickly rig a horse character....More
AccuRig does not currently allow us to undo an action such as moving a marker. Undo is an important and common feature of most modern software. I hope it can be added to the software in a future update....More
I import an A-pose mesh, after some operations, the export is a T-pose, is this the version limit? I want the bind pose of the exported character to remain unchanged....More
Hi, recently i created a post with the same text just with Unreal 4. I tested it now in Unreal 5 and it's the same issue. The new UE5 skeleton has a new structure, but the UE4 Mannequin is also available. It would be amazing if there would be and export option for old and new skeleton hierachy...More