It would be really nice if we could adjust the motion capture with more granular settings. If you know Mixamo, they have settings like "Style, Overdrive, Stance, Energy Level, Distance (for a jumping capture), Enthusiasm, Hit Intensity" etc. all dependend of the kind of capture....More
I would like to filter the Motion Capture library by captures I have already purchased. Another helpful filter would be looping. Also the captures that have "start, loop, end" are much more valuable that the ones that don't have that....More
Currently the rigging tool is made for humanoids with flexible joints. It would be nice to see a feature for rigging rigid or semi-rigid characters. For example let's say I have a stone golem model with a floating head. I would like to make his arm and leg joints flexible, but keep the head...More
The new interaction animations are really cool, kudos to that! The dance animations are also cool. I was wondering if you guys can create animations for couple dancing or something like Waltz, Rumba, Foxtrot, Ballroom dances. It would be helpful for us creators. Thank you for your hardwork...More
I came across actor core when I was looking for animations for game dev, there are so many random movement animations but no animations that can be used for creating LOCOMOTION, motions like turning, stand to sit, sit to stand, walk start - stop....etc. It would be great if there were complete...More
Guys, who shoots like that? lol It's so obvious that who put the suit on had no idea about dribbling and shooting. It's just ridiculous. My eyes hurts after looking at those animations as a basketball fan....More
Hello, I'd like to request more standing crowd animation for events. Like high energy concerts and dance parties? Where actors are grooving on the spot, with their hands waving in the air, taking photos etc? Ive noticed there is a lack of such content....More