3dwarehouse in iclone 3d change 7 dose not show earlier dates of 3d items to be download than 2016. my version of 3d change 7 let me download only earlier items then 2015 so 3dwarehouse is not useable for me . What can be done to fix the problem. Thanks, Zeev Offir....More
hello! I'm having serious trouble with 3dxchange! I'm importing a model used by Daz gen3 and gen8. When prompted it asks if I would like to convert to a non standard talking character and I click yes. than after it loads, the non standard button is highlighted and the facial expression key...More
This was not a good move on Reallusion's part. It makes CC3 only Human compatible. If you wanted to create very unique creature faces and have them look like they are speaking properly, good luck because the ability to fix facial expressions was removed! We need this function back ASAP!...More
Not able to check the boxes in the export selection to export without facial bones. This function does not work and it is creating a huge problem in unity. Although you show this to be an option in your web help guide. I have wasted many hours on this and would like this to be sorted as soon...More
I loaded a Sketchup Model in 3DXchange 7.3 and first selected "Exclude .SKP Back Faces" and then "Merge Identical". Merge Identical deleted quite a lot of Mesh items. This does not happen with the same model in 3DXchange 6.5. The 2 attached images show the issue, look carefully at the Window...More